In Traverse City MI


Chiropractic Traverse City MI Neuropathy


In Traverse City MI




What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects the peripheral nerves-the crucial communication network that connects your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body. These nerves play an essential role in transmitting signals for movement, sensation, and autonomic functions like breathing and digestion. While symptoms vary widely, they can become very debilitating. They often include things like numbness and tingling, burning or stabbing pain, muscle weakness, and loss of balance and coordination. These symptoms most often appear in the hands or feet. Although prescription drugs are often prescribed to dampen the extent that you feel the symptoms, they typically do nothing to heal your nerves.

What Is The Problem?

Peripheral neuropathy is more than just a collection of painful symptoms; it's a complex condition that causes disruption to the health and function of your nerves. The underlying causes often boil down to one central issue: a lack of adequate blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to the tissues. Unfortunately this becomes a vicious cycle, because this deprivation prevents your nerves from repairing themselves and functioning properly, leading to damage that continues to worsen over time.

Neuropathy is notoriously difficult to treat for several reasons:

  • Impaired Blood Flow: Healthy blood circulation is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to your nerves. Conditions like diabetes or chronic inflammation can damage blood vessels, reducing the flow of blood to nerve tissues. Without proper circulation, the nerves are starved of the resources they need to heal. Nitric oxide is a key player to ensure proper blood flow.
  • Reduced Oxygen Supply: Oxygen is critical for nerve function and regeneration. When blood flow is restricted, oxygen levels drop, creating a cascade of issues that make nerve damage worse. This "oxygen starvation" can make even small injuries to the nerves difficult to recover from.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Nerve tissues depend on specific nutrients, like B vitamins, to stay healthy and repair damage. Deficiencies, whether due to poor diet or other health conditions, can further degrade nerve function and limit the body's ability to heal.
  • High Blood Sugar or Diabetes: Elevated blood sugar levels directly harm the delicate structures of nerve cells. Over time, this persistent damage reduces the ability of nerves to regenerate or repair themselves. High blood sugar can also cause blood vessel damage and lead to the production of toxic byproducts, such as advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs damage proteins, DNA, and lipids in the body, including those in nerves and blood vessels.
  • Chronic Inflammation: Inflammation caused by injury, infection, or autoimmune conditions can damage the delicate nerve fibers. Constant inflammation creates a hostile environment for nerve regeneration and contributes to ongoing degeneration.
  • Spinal Involvement: If there is any nerve compression due to misalignments in the spine, or tension on the spinal cord from poor posture and misalignment (called "tensegrity" in research), this can slow or stop nerves from being able to heal.

How Do We Fix It?

Hopefully now by going over all the things that can be problems, it becomes obvious that we need a combination of testing in order to get a clear picture on what the exact presentation of the condition is in each specific patient. Some of the testing that will be done will be looking at nerve function and sensation to get quantified numbers.

How much nerve damage is present? We also need testing that will look at the nitric oxide levels of the system to make sure that the person has enough blood flow capacity to get better. Finally we need to rule out any spinal involvement and do a digital balance test to determine if there is any severe fall risk.

What Is The Outcome?

Using this combination of proper testing tells us how progressed the neuropathy damage is and if it is treatable. From there, the right treatment plan with the right technology can be put in place to reverse as much nerve damage as possible. Particularly, some technology needs to have the ability to improve blood flow, some has to have the ability to quickly and efficiently lower inflammation, and some has to be able to retrain nerves to fire at the proper frequency. Unfortunately there is not one piece of technology that can do all of this by itself, but combining the right things at the right time can lead to enormous results here at our office in Traverse City.


  • Numbness or tingling in hands, arms, feet or legs?

  • Extreme sensitivity to touch?

  • Lack of coordination?

  • Sharp, jabbing, throbbing, freezing or burning pain?

  • Muscle weakness or paralysis?

Frequently Asked Questions

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What makes Shift health center different than other "chiropractors near me"?

The Shift Solution

S: Specialized - we're dedicated to creating personalized treatment plans that meet the unique needs and goals of our patients. Nothing is cookie-cutter!
H: Help & Support - We offer our patients a dedicated helpline and support system so they never feel alone.
I: Inflammation reduction - Healing cannot take place in the presence of excess inflammation. We reduce inflammation to create an optimal environment for healing.
F: Function - Our focus is on functional recovery, aiming to restore patients' abilities to perform daily activities without pain or limitation, promoting independence. It's not just about the symptoms, it's about living your life the way that you desire!
T: Tissue Regeneration & Remodeling - We use cutting-edge technology to regenerate & remodel damaged nerves, blood vessels, cartilage, and ligaments.

  • Are You in Pain?

    It is common for patients to experience the first symptoms in their extremities (hands, arms, legs and feet).


    Accidents, muscle strain, awkward sleeping, degenerative conditions and more.


    What if there was a solution that may be able treat your neuropathy pain without drugs or surgery?

Our Professional TEAM


We have developed a unique clinical treatment that combines a drug-free, non-surgical approach with the most advanced NEUROPATHY PAIN RELIEF TECHNOLOGY available. Many patients are seeing great results, even those who have "tried everything" before.

Dr. Kyle Konas, Dr. Rick Murphy, Dr. Damian Mendoza & Dr. Conner Krause
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Click Here to schedule a Nerve Severity Screening!


Our treatment works for a wide variety of conditions. If you are suffering with neuropathy, there may be hope! Schedule today.


    Do you have chronic neuropathy that you have been told you have to live with?


    Do you feel like you have tried everything possible, but haven't felt any results? Chiropractic care can help.


    Have you been told that surgery is your only option? We can eliminate pain and increase mobility, without drugs or surgery.

take action now

Schedule A Screening Today!


There are many people in our area that still suffer with peripheral neuropathy. In this day and age there have been significant improvements in the pain management treatments we can offer.  The past treatments for peripheral neuropathy revolved around medication, and many patients were left disappointed.  It doesn’t have to be this way anymore.

At Shift Health Center we have several advanced programs to help you turn this condition around.  If you’re struggling with burning pain, tingling, numbness, or even a loss of feeling, call our office today to see what we can do for you. Our doctors will sit down with you to see if you are a good candidate for care. It’s a great day to start your new life.

Neuropathy in Traverse City

Symptoms of Neuropathy:

  • Loss of hot or cold sensation
  • Pins and needles feeling in your feet
  • Tingling or burning
  • Loss of feeling
  • Feet that are painful to touch
  • Restless legs
  • Feeling of ants crawling on your legs
  • Difficulty sleeping because of foot pain
  • Burning Pain
  • Sharp Electric Pain
  • Numbness
  • Leg Cramps
  • Numbness and Tingling in your feet
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Pain while you walk

Is Medication the Answer for Neuropathy?

Medication can be very helpful for a number of things. The problem is that medication is not generally designed to correct the cause of the problem. Common sense will tell you that if your treatment is not designed to correct the true problem, you’re likely to have disappointing results. In some cases medication can actually cause new problems to develop in the body because of the many side effects. We know so much about the human body today. It’s time to move beyond treatments that mask your symptoms.

Is Neuropathy Stealing Your Happiness?

If you have neuropathy you understand how it can make you feel.  Simple things like driving your car or taking a walk with a loved one can become painful and difficult tasks. When you start to lose the simple things in your life it can truly steal your happiness away. Many of the patients we meet are in a state of slight depression, because they are not able to do the things they love.  If you’re in this position take action. This is a problem that you can begin to change today.

Excellent Results: FDA Cleared Neuropathy Treatment

Our new Peripheral Neuropathy treatments succeed because we attack the problem at its source. Our combination of breakthrough technology along with advanced treatments provides your body with everything it needs to heal the damaged nerves. The majority of patients notice an improvement in their symptoms within their first few treatments. Our combination of treatments helps to restore, stabilize, and rebuild the nerves in your extremities. In many cases the results also go beyond neuropathy and have been helpful for conditions such as chronic pain, arthritis, and MS.

When you’re deciding where you are going to go for treatment, it’s important to think about one thing. Is the treatment you’re receiving going to correct the cause of the problem, or is it designed to cover your symptoms? You see, a treatment that is designed to mask your symptoms will generally leave you disappointed in the end.

Are You a Candidate for Treatment?

In general if you have pain in your hands, feet, or legs you may be a candidate for treatment. Each patient is evaluated by our team, on a one on one basis, to see if treatment is right for them.  It’s important to note that our treatments are non-surgical, and require no prescription drugs. There is finally an answer that can produce long lasting results.

Why Choose Us?

At Shift Health Center we believe that each patient is an individual. Our multi-disciplinary approach gives us the ability to custom fit our treatments to each patient. Our doctors will sit down with you on your first visit to determine the best treatment options for you.

We offer some of the most advanced non-surgical FDA approved treatments available today. It’s always our goal to focus on the cause of any condition we treat. Our patients expect the best, and we do everything we can to help them achieve their goals. We want you to have the ability to live your life to the fullest. Don’t let pain take that away from you.

Register for a complimentary new patient consultation today. The team at Shift Health Center is here to help.


Chiropractic Traverse City MI Neuropathy Improved Mood

Improved Mood

Improve your overall health and regain your vitality for life.

Chiropractor Traverse City Rick Murphy and Patient Reduced Medications

Reduced Medications

Medication and surgery don't have to be the answer.

Chiropractic Traverse City MI Neuropathy Active Lifestyle

Active Lifestyle

Stop wasting time in pain and get your active life back!

Chiropractic Traverse City MI Doug Priest Testimonial

"I started at the Shift Show in February for neuropathy and chiropractic care. With equipment purchased for at-home use and weekly visits, I am a new person. My whole body has improved. I move and feel so much better than before. Even my knees are better! This year I was able to do my road duty by myself in 3 hours and had the energy to do other things at home that afternoon."

- Doug Priest

Read more Here!

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